The New Zealand series follows Spartacus through his life in and escape from enslavement. In 2010, the TV series adaptation decided to leave homophobia behind and put gay sex scenes at the forefront. The scene in which Crassus (Laurence Olivier) flirts with Antoninus (Tony Curtis) was left on the cutting room floor. In 1960, Spartacus shied away from any queer implications between their characters. version was more explicit, audiences can see the influence of both in how gay sex scenes are depicted in newer shows. Queer As Folk showed the hilarious, the steamy, and the awkward in-between. Its influence on gay sex scenes, however, has spanned the decades. from 1999 to 2000, then traveled the pond to run in the U.S. Originally named Queer As F-ck, Queer As Folk was unafraid to show LGBTQIA+ characters falling in love and then falling into bed. Then, Queer As Folk happened and gay sex scenes have never been the same.
From Buffy the Vampire Slayer to The 100, LGBTQIA+ characters often didn’t stand a chance of surviving to the end of any TV show. Hollywood used to bury its gays in bad storylines, sex-less relationships, and untimely deaths. By: Kiona Jones Honestly steamy: What shows have the most authentic gay sex scenes?